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Love & Relationships

How do I impress a girl? How do I get his attention? I am dating someone, but we are having problems...

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Family & Friends

My parents are divorcing, what next? A friend of mine is making bad decisions, how do I help her?

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Which college should I go to? Can you help me decide on a career path?

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About Me

Highly sensitive people naturally bring some really beautiful, love-promoting qualities to their romantic partnerships. But these same qualities can sometimes end up undermining the strength of the relationship. This was true for me in my first marriage and led, in part, to it ending in divorce.

About Me

I’m officially coming back from maternity leave starting next week! I’ve been doing a lot of resting and relaxing these past three months but I haven’t been able to stop my brain and the ideas are flowing! I am pumped to get back with you all and share my discoveries.