About Me

Dear Miss Penny is an advice column created with the intent to assist young adults in answering questions about all topics surrounding life, love and the future. Miss Penny is not a doctor, nor does she claim to be. She merely submits to the notion that an older sibling's advice, or that of a distant friend's, is valuable in it of itself and should be treated as simply and solely that. So...ask away!

Information provided via this website is not to be misconstrued as medical or psychological advice, nor is it intended to substitute for any advice provided by a doctor or healthcare provider. Do not disregard professional advice or delay seeking professional assistance because of anything contained on this website.

Opinions expressed by authors in articles or blog posts on this website, or contained in links from this website, are their own and not necessarily shared by Dear Miss Penny.

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About Me

Highly sensitive people naturally bring some really beautiful, love-promoting qualities to their romantic partnerships. But these same qualities can sometimes end up undermining the strength of the relationship. This was true for me in my first marriage and led, in part, to it ending in divorce.

About Me

Porn addiction is not a myth. This is a real problem, suffered by real people. Porn addiction causes untold damage in the lives of the addict, and those who love them. Addiction can result in the loss of jobs, the end of a marriage, or worse. And overcoming pornography addiction, in most cases, feels impossible for the addict.

About Me

I’m officially coming back from maternity leave starting next week! I’ve been doing a lot of resting and relaxing these past three months but I haven’t been able to stop my brain and the ideas are flowing! I am pumped to get back with you all and share my discoveries.